A Song for a Broken Heart Lyrics
<d&[ Lyrics from: http://www.cloverlyrics.com/e1550-a_static_lullaby~a_song_for_a_broken_heart_lyrics.html ]#105;v>Take this for what it’s worth, this song... my smile,<br />I write to you from hell my song leaving the foot against the gas and the wall that must have said your name,<br />Weaken you from nothing you can say can stop this now,<br />Would a noose replace his lips? <br />Can a song replace a broken heart? can a song replace a broken love? on the beach I remind myself how holding hands is so powerless,<br />Tonight I don’t even have the stars to hold on to... paint this red... her picture will remain unbroken she cries tonight I fall in love...<br />White beach tear away with sand paper tonight I’m not alone... I just wanna get your fucking voice out of my head...div><br />