Whole Lyrics

by The Dreaming

My whole world stopped spinning without you
The heavens lay dead in the sky
And I cried to the angels to bring you home to me
But that is not destined to be in this life
[ Lyrics from: http://www.cloverlyrics.com/e59728-the_dreaming~whole_lyrics.html ]
Now I'm lost
All alone
Only you can make me whole
I am broken
And alone
You've left this gaping hole
In my soul

I remember nights lasting forever
I still taste our last kiss goodbye
In that moment my universe crumbled down on me
Now I no longer believe in this life...

Now I'm lost
All alone
Only you can make me whole
I am broken
And alone
You've left this gaping hole
In my soul

I reach out
to touch you
through miles and through days
I reach out
to touch you
through miles and through days
But still the emptiness won't fade...

Now I'm lost
All alone
Only you can make me whole
I am broken
And alone
You've left this gaping hole
Now I'm lost
All alone
Only you can make me whole
I am broken
And alone
You've left this gaping hole
In my soul
In my soul
In my soul

The Dreaming

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