Sora Mieluta (Sister Little Lamb) Lyrics
The world was not worthy of you
They could not understand
Sora Mieluta
Sister Little Lamb
[ Lyrics from: ]
It was the time of Satan's rule
Evil stalked the land, crushed Christ's precious pearl
The Lord's Army was driven underground
Persecuted, imprisoned, trampled down
From town to town, Ghorghe and Mieluta fled along
Encouraging God's hidden ones to always be strong.
Midnight service in the forest and caves
Prayer for the weak, honor for the brave
In the work camps and dungeons cold
Ghorghe's body died, setting free his soul
Mieluta now, poor and without a home
Kept the torch burning brightly, alone
Godly guidance to all she did give
In a one-room hut she came to live.
Laboring there with angels by her side
The years passed as the four horsemen did ride.
A feeble, forgotten widow she had come to be
When I met her there in her poverty
As a spiritual mother, she took me by the hand
And said, “I see tomorrow, there's a fire in the land”.
In her life, the torch burned so strong
But now alas, Mieluta is gone
We pass to you her torch and her song
In heaven now, Mieluta lives on.